It means “Female snake”Ĭitlalli: It means “Star” or “The woman with the Starlight”.Ĭitlalmina: It means “Arrowing of the stars” or “Metheorites”.Ĭuahtli, Koahtli, Kuahtli: It means “The Eagle”, “Owner of the immensities, the heights and freedom.” Maybe it derivates from the same etymology of Cuauhtémoc´s name. Besides being mother of gods and creator of humans, Cihuacóatl is related to Earth’s fertility, that´s why she was part of the most important deities, since she gave to our ancestors the food that they enjoyed every day. It means “Always snakes”.Ĭihuacoatl, Siwakoatl: Lady goddess of the Earth. Chicome Cóatl: Goddess of the tough corn harvest, lady in the fullness of her maturity. Aztec princess daughter of Axayácatl.Ĭhamani: It means “Plant sapling”. Another meaning is: “Material from our own flesh” or “Our Flesh”.Ĭhalchiunenetl: It means “Jade doll”. You could read: Names inspired by musicians and singers Nahuatl names with letter “C”Ĭentli, Sintli, Sinti: It means “Corn” or “Corn cob”. He was succeeded to the throne by his older brother, Tízoc Chalchiuhtlatona. Axayácatl, son of Tezozomoc, was the Mexica Tlatoani who ordered to make the Stone of the Sun. Its most common meaning is “Tiny water”.Īxayácatl: It means “Mask of water”. It’s reverential way is: Ameyaltzin.Ītleinemik: It means “Without pair”, “Has no equal”, “Unique”, “Singular”, “Exceptional” or “Strange”.Ītzin: From Nahuatl A (tl) “Water” and Tzin, “Little water”. It was represented as an enormous black puma with a cadaveric aspect, with a supernatural roar and it was in charge to guard that the alive could not get into the kingdom of the dead.Īmeli, Ameyalli, Ayulía: It means “Spring of water”.

On the other hand, Launye, M., academic from the UNAM and author of Introducción a la lengua y la literatura náhuatl (Introduction to Nahuatl Language and Literature), makes us notice that, in general, “Nahuatl names have no gender, they can be used by women or men”.ĭon’t miss: Nahuatl baby names that mean Sun List of Nahuatl names for boy or girl: Nahuatl names with letter “A”Īcolmiztli: It means “Strong feline arm” or “Puma arm”.

Letter /h/ as soft “j” when it goes first, but when it’s between vowels it’s a little stronger and you have to aspire when it goes next to the other consonants or at the end of the word.ĭouble l /ll/ (doble ele) is pronounced literally double “ele” and a little separated, not like the Spanish Greek “y”. They are gorgeous! But how do we pronounce original Nahuatl names?Īccording to Crescencio García, letter /x/ sounds as “sh”. This list was taken from the book Nombres indígenas (Indigenous names), written by Crescencio García Ramos, academic investigator from the ‘Academia Veracruzana de las Lenguas Indígenas’ (Veracruzan Academy of Indigenous Languages).

Our culture is extraordinarily rich and the Prehispanic original names are so sweet and with such deep meanings that definitively we should consider them when deciding how we will name our child. If you’re Mexican, this has happened to you for sure: You listen to the Huapango, from José Pablo Moncayo, and you raise goosebumps, you can´t resist dancing at the beat of the mariachi and can’t avoid telling the world the love legend between the Iztaccihuatl and the Popocatepetl Mexican volcanoes.