Use Alluring Skulls for this fight if struggling You should be able to take out each Lord with about 3 good combo hits. The fight wont end unless you kill all the minions. So kill off one, kill its minions, then go after the others. There are 3 Lords that will attack you, they are pretty weak but after you defeat one, it summons a few minions to attack you.

Skeleton Lords: This fight you might want to bring in help for.Buff your weapon with Gold Pine Resin for this fight if struggling. Make sure that the Ruin Sentinels don't swarm her, as she won't have a chance to summon her powerful spells. A great tactic is to summon Pilgrim Bellclaire, who's sign can be found in one of the cells right outside the fog gate. Try to get both of them to attack at the same time so you have time to slash at both of them at once using a sword or spear or greatsword. Take out the other two with your partner and you should be good to go. Take out the first one then heal and use a lifestone before you drop down because the fall will hurt you so the heal over time will help here. They all attack with halberd attacks that are blockable but you will lose all your stamina after about two hits. If you fall off the platform, the other two will enter the fight and they will kick your ass. The first sentinel will attack you but the other 2 will stay away until you kill the first.

You will go through the fog gate and fight the first sentinel. Ruin Sentinels: Bring one spirit in to help you, it will still be a rough fight but doable.Buff your weapon with Gold Pine Resin for this fight. You can use a bow and arrow here but he closes in quick. Use the pole in the middle of the room to your advantage to make him attack it. Lure him to attack and miss and go in for a few hits then back off. STAY FACING THE CLUB SIDE, his attacks are slow and easily dodged.

The enemy has four arms, two arms with swords, or two with clubs. Flexile Sentry: This fight can be intimidating given the small area you are fighting in.Buff your weapon with Charcoal Pine Resin for this fight if struggling. For spells, just keep your distance and hit him when he misses his attacks. He hits hard will deplete your stamina fast if you just take the hits. Just strafe him and be careful not to fall into the gaps in the floor. Dragonrider: This fight is also very easy.Buff your weapon with Charcoal Pine Resin or Aromatic Ooze for this fight if struggling. He will charge at you occasionally but just dodge it. When he jumps in the air, roll to the right and his shockwave wont hit you. Just strafe him and he is less likely to touch you. Old Dragonslayer: This fight is relatively simple.Buff your weapon with gold pine resin for this fight if struggling. This may give you enough time to run around to the back of the ballista, and open fire. If one is offline, or cannot find anyone, then try parrying the boss. Be aware that the Pursuer can destroy the ballistas if he gets out of control, and that the ballista shots will hit anyone in the way, potentially killing your phantom. If you can get an accurate shot on the Pursuer, you'll cut his health down to 1/4, making the fight much easier. However, if one summons a phantom, the phantom can distract the Pursuer, allowing the host, or another phantom, to use the ballistas found in the area. Low-level players may find this boss hard and intimidating, as the boss will constantly exhaust your stamina, hit through your shield, and is reasonably fast. The Pursuer: This fight is much easier with a phantom to help you.

Last Giant: This boss is easy, just get in close, weave between his legs and slash him up.